Monday, August 13, 2007

Cutting It Short

Was eating dinner with friends in Pasadena, so missed classes and social dancing at Atomic. Actually, I meant to go home from Pasadena, but actually found myself at Atomic at midnight for some dancing. It was the first set of classes I'd missed in a quite a long time.

AB Team
Jerry runs things today, and we do Swing Rueda, which is a circular called swing dance. Really interesting. Jerry once explained that it was inspired by Salsa Rueda.

Swing 1 Team
We work more on the Boogie Woogie routine, which is a strain on Liz and I as a couple due to all the traveling swing-outs. Totally wrung out afterwards.

Lunch with the group finds me totally grubbing on Spicy Thai. Flat noodle, chicken, medium spice, not bad. But not Saladang like last night. I have a ride with Ginger in the late afternoon, so I boogie. No, I don't boogie, but I do leave. Too tired to boogie.

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